
可靠的, code compliant fire and life safety systems are important to protecting occupants from injury and preventing devastating property damage. 皇家88娱乐在整个设计过程中与客户合作, 检查, 测试 and maintenance process to resolve any specific and practical problems associated with the execution of these systems and ensure that they are operating effectively and efficiently. 利用功能和验收系统测试, 皇家88娱乐验证项目规范是否满足最低代码要求, 基于性能的设计和最终用户需求. 皇家88娱乐还提供 消防安全 需要时进行系统认证.


Fire alarm system commissioning is much more than simply 测试 the system and placing it into service at the end of a construction project. We keep your fire alarm system at optimum operating performance with a process that extends from design through installation, 测试, 项目收尾.


烟雾控制系统是复杂的,可以与许多其他建筑系统相互依赖. 皇家88娱乐进行各种各样的测试, 操作测试顺序, 压差和开门力. We also perform both cold and hot smoke tests for atrium and other large volume spaces for those jurisdictions that require smoke test.


灭火系统是保证建筑物内部安全的基础. We have extensive experience in providing detailed plans that include specific system and sub-system tests and 检查s with associated pass/fail criteria. 皇家88娱乐审核车间图纸,并提供操作和维护(O)的审核/验收&米)手册. 皇家88娱乐还可以提供培训支持和解决保修问题.


Overall fire protection for a building is a holistic approach to reach the goal of life safety. 集成测试提供验证, 文档, 并进行端到端功能测试,确认各项活动 & passive fire and life safety systems work in concert together to protect people and property.